You Are My Spoon | Peter Alsop

Peter Alsop

Music for Children and Adults

You Are My Spoon

From the album Ebenezer's Make Over Buy Now

by Amy Fix

- Amy Fix sings her sweet love song


You are my spoon

In a life of forks and knives

You are a spoon

You are safe as you cradle me

In the curve of your heart

I know you’re not gonna hurt me or

Or poke me whenever you turn around

Cuz you’re a spoon


You are my spoon

In a world of forks and knives

You are a spoon

Most people can be nice

While holding a dangerous bite

They might be fun or exciting, but they can be a fright

When it comes to emotions and boundaries

Respect, understanding

And emotional health

They don’t have a clue, but not you

Cuz you’re a spoon


You are my spoon

And together we’ll reflect

The light of the moon

Cuz you’re a spoon

And I’m a spoon too.


Written by Amy Fix, © 2001, Amy Fix

On Ebenezer’s Make Over -