Wronga+ | Peter Alsop

Peter Alsop

Music for Children and Adults


From the album Camping With Dads Buy Now

P:         Okay, it's getting late, ... and we heard there might be a storm

            coming in tonight

Stu:      We're all set

Ricky:   We are resilient!

Bailey: I’m still cold and wet!

Andre: Didn't you bring the orange jacket Mom got you for your birthday?

            That's really warm.

Bailey: No. I left it home!  She said it was really expensive, and said 

            I better not get it dirty.

Norm:  Mom said that!?

Bailey: Something like that.  So, I left it in the closet.

Gerald: Sometimes a present comes to us, all wrapped up with emotional

            strings attached.  My mom once gave me a book that belonged 

            to my grandmother.  She got very serious and said "Gerry, 

            I've taken care of this book for years!  Saved it just for you!  

            Now you better take good care of it!  Pass it on down to your children,

            so they can pass it on down to their children." I've still got it,

            safe in a box in the attic.  I never did read that book.

Quin:   I know exactly what you mean about some gifts.

Stu:      That’s a lot of pressure to put on a kid!

Leon:   It happened to me too!

Andre: And me.

P:         And me, ... so Quinn and I wrote a song about it.

Stu:      Let’s hear it!  And it's my turn to push the Sonical Digital Musical 

            box button!     (*BOING!!)