Pink+ | Peter Alsop

Peter Alsop

Music for Children and Adults


From the album Camping With Dads Buy Now

Gerald: Right on Peter!  We'll have to write a song about crocheting too!

P:         We're on it Gerald!  Right after dinner! ... C'mon, you all grab your 

            plates.  It's gettin' cold!   

            A cold wind started to blow in, while we ate.  Some of us put on our

            sweaters, ... some of the sweaters were still a bit soggy from falling 

            in the creek.  Chad and Andre and Stuart helped clean up.  While the 

            others melted their classic "some-mores" over the fire with Gerald's

            chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers.

Bailey: My sweater's still wet!

Chad:   So's mine, but we're strong!  We have resilience.

Ricky:   What's resilience?

Leon:   Resilience is like, ... when you trip and fall down.  You don't just 

            lie there and give up!  You bounce right back up again!

P:         Ricky, do you remember Winnie The Pooh, ... how much Tigger 

            loves to bounce?

Ricky:   Yeah, ... Tiggers love to bounce!

P:         Right, ... sometimes when thing feel soggy and uncomfortable, ... 

            I just sit by myself all alone for a while, ... and pretty soon, ... 

            I start feeling better.

Leon:   And then you bounce back like Tigger?

P:         Sometimes.

Andre: But not always.

P:         (laughs) No, not always, different people bounce back in different ways.

            I learned how to bounce from my Dad.

Quin:   My GREAT-Grandad, right?

P:         Yep

Bailey: How did he teach you to bounce?

P:         Well, do you know what a see-saw is?

Bailey: It’s a long board that’s balanced in the middle, and one kid sits 

            on one end, and one kid sits on the other end and they take turns 

            going up and down, and up and down.

Andre: We had one at our school!   but, ... they took it down when a 

            kid got hurt.

P:         We had one in our back yard, and that’s where my Dad taught 

            me to bounce.

Leon:   Like your song!

P:         Yep, ... where's my guitar?

Leon:   I've heard this one before!  It's a good story!

G:        Shhhh, .... sometimes Grandads "need a good listenin' to", right?

Kids:    Yeah.  Right.