Listen+ | Peter Alsop

Peter Alsop

Music for Children and Adults


From the album Camping With Dads Buy Now

Bailey: Sometimes parents listen, but usually, they're too busy.

Leon:   Yeah, ... (to Chad), ... you never believe us!

Chad:   (Incredulous). What are you talking about!?  I believe you when

            you tell me things.

Leon:   Sometimes you just repeat what I say, ... like you don't understand.

Chad:   Like when?

Leon:   Remember? ... I said, "I want to buy a 'leopard gecko', and you said,

             (being Chad) "You want to buy, a'leopard gecko'?"   You just repeat

             what I say!

Chad:   (serious). "I just repeat what you say?"

Leon:   See!!?

P:         Okay, ... I can't believe you guys just said that!  Now I HAVE to play

             my new song for you!  So kids, ... every time I say, "I brought a gorilla

             home," you pretend YOU are MY parents, ... and you repeat it back

            to me ... just like parents do!  Ready?

Kids:    Ready!

P:         Push the button Quinn!   (*BOING!!)